Welcome to One Music Life!

About Me

JB Pic

Hi, I’m the founder OneMusicLife.com. My aim is to celebrate the music and artists that I love.

I’ve been active in the music industry both as a performer and as a sound engineer for many years. I’m passionate about everything to do with music.

On this site I share my passion for everything to do with making, performing & appreciating music.

I’m a musician based in Auckland, New Zealand.

My passion for music began at school when a friend turned up with a battered old guitar. Together we began learning how to play the thing and from then on we spent every weekend practicing.

We soon mastered not only guitar but also bass and piano. Pretty soon we began composing songs. This was the beginning of my life long passion for music. It has never gone away.

My Mission

To share my passion and appreciation of all things music

Some random info About me

I love any music that’s good – regardless of genre

My guitar gently weeps

I don’t watch television

I met Don Airey backstage at a Deep Purple gig and I said “Hi Ian”

My HUGE music library is always played on shuffle

I stay fit in my home gym and eat sensible food

I sometimes compose elaborate orchestral scores for songs when any half-decent guitar lick would do just fine!

Jedi powers I have

How I create content on this site

The blogs and content you’ll find on this site have been planned and edited by me to ensure that our information meets the highest quality standards. I write a most of it myself but I sometimes use freelance writers to help me.

Everything on the site has been checked and approved by me as the chief editor.
